Update 3/17/2020:
On Wednesday, March 18, students may retrieve ESSENTIAL items from the schools. It is our belief that the vast majority of families/students WILL NOT need to access buildings. We are in the process of sanitizing our buildings, so any access granted will be quick and targeted to retrieve only the items you need. Appropriate staff will be available to get student medication for you, but an authorized adult must sign for it. We cannot return medication to students.
This opportunity is being offered only out of necessity. It is NOT an opportunity to clean out lockers or check in with teachers. Be prepared to check in with office staff, stating the item and location of your essential item. Students in grades 6-12: If necessary, you may pick up your personally-issued Chromebook if you left it at school.
We will work with families next week as necessary who are unable to retrieve essential items on Wednesday, March 18. Call 319-433-1800 with questions.