April 20, 2023
Contact: Akwi Nji at 319-433-1803
WATERLOO, IA—The State of Iowa has launched the Safe+Sound anonymous reporting tool that provides students, staff, parents, and community members an avenue through which they can report threatening behavior and other safety issues.
This program is designed for threats to be reported anonymously via a phone app, a website, or a 1-800 number. The reports entered through Safe+Sound will be screened by trained dispatchers who then will assess the threat and contact local law enforcement and the designated building administrator. Reports of bullying or other non-threatening behavior that are submitted through Safe+Sound will be handled with an email, if warranted, rather than an urgent call to designated school personnel.
To learn more about the Safe + Sound program, please visit the State of Iowa’s Safe+Sound website at https://dps.iowa.gov/SafeandSoundIowa.
Waterloo Schools Mission
The Waterloo Schools community commits to a comprehensive system of education and support to assure that each and every student will graduate prepared for college, career, and citizenship as evidenced by continuing education, pursuing a career path, and contributing to a community.