Welcome to the Cedar Valley. We’re glad you’re here. Or, if you’re considering a move to the area, we want to give you some good information for your planning. Click here for a short parent testimonial about the Waterloo Schools. Click here to see why Waterloo Schools is a great choice for your child’s education.
The Waterloo Schools are preparing students for success and unfolding futures. Follow this link to see a :30 sec commercial about our amazing Waterloo Career Center and opportunities for your child. Click here for more reasons why you should choose the Waterloo Schools and follow this link to see why we want you to Be Bold!
You may find these links helpful in getting acquainted with our district.
Click here for the annual progress reports for our district.
Click here for registration information.
Dress Code Updates
The Board of Education approved revisions to the Waterloo School’s dress code policy at the 12/12/22 board meeting.
Follow the link for the updated board-approved dress code for students: https://www.waterlooschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/504.2-revision-3-SCR.pdfhttps://www.waterlooschools.org/studentservices/standardized-dress-code/
Back to School Nights
All elementary students and their families are welcome to visit their school between 4:00-6:00pm on August 21. This is a great time to find classrooms, drop off supplies, and meet new friends!
Incoming 6th-grade students and any new-to-the-district middle school students are invited to an open house at their home middle school on August 21 from 5:30-7:00pm.
–East, West, & EXPO ALC will hold 9th-grade orientation on Wednesday, August 23.
First Day of School
The first day of school will be a rolling start similar to last year.
The first day of school will be a full day for students on the following days:
Wednesday, August 23, for grades: K-2, 6, 9
Thursday, August 24, for grades: 3-5, 7, 8, 10-12 (in addition to K-2, 6, 9)
Tuesday, August 29, for PreK
The first and last school days will be full days.
Iowa Vaccine Law Requirement
All students entering, advancing or transferring into 7th grade and born after September 15, 2004, will need proof of one dose of meningococcal vaccine and must have Tdap vaccine for students born after 9/15/2000. There will be no grace period/provisional certificate given for 7th grade. Your student will not be able to start school if we do not have this on file.
All students entering, advancing or transferring into 12th grade and born after September 15, 1999, will need proof of two doses of meningococcal vaccine; or one dose if received when the student was 16 years of age or older. There may be qualifying factors for a grace period/provisional certificate for 12th grade.
You may call your medical provider or visit the Iowa Department of Public Health website at: https://idph.iowa.gov/immtb/immunization/laws for more information on Iowa immunization laws and the meningococcal requirement.
Please contact your medical provider now to set up an appointment to get your child immunized. Medical and religious exemptions must be on file with your child’s school (they must be done yearly).
What You Need to Know
There are no school fees for the 2023-24 school year.
Read our dress code.
Create a campus portal account (for safety alerts and access to your child’s attendance, class assignments and more).
Fee Waiver Policy
There will no longer be a standard instructional fee for students based on new Board policy. However, there may be costs associated with driver’s education and instrument rental if your child enrolls in one of those classes. Students will be notified by their teacher and given the appropriate fee waiver form for those who qualify.
There will continue to be fees for lost books, ID cards, yearbooks, parking, etc. that apply to various schools. These fees are not subject to Fee Waiver.
Discretionary Transportation
With the removal of district instructional fees, there will no longer be a fee charged for discretionary transportation riders who do not meet the mileage requirements but are approved for a route based on space and availability. In order to be considered, families still must complete an application and submit it to First Student. Applications will be processed in the order received. All other rules will remain in effect, therefore if there is no space or route available the application will be denied and transportation will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
The application is now titled Discretionary Transportation Application which can be located on the district website under Student Services. Applications will not be reviewed until after September 4. Parents are responsible for transportation prior to approval.
Lunch Program
All students enrolled in the Waterloo Community School District are eligible for a healthy breakfast and healthy lunch at NO CHARGE to your household each day of the 2023-24 school year.
The Waterloo Community School District is participating in the United States Department of Agriculture’s Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) in all elementary, middle and high school buildings. The school district meets the reimbursement formula to qualify for no-cost breakfast and lunch. Pre-K students at the above schools will also be offered an afternoon no-cost snack.
Please note:
- Families will still be responsible for a la carte items, such as extra milk, extra entrées and extra side items.
- There are no standard instructional fees.
- Each household should have completed a household survey online. If you have not done so, please contact your child’s school. They can help walk you through the process. A household survey and fee waiver must be on file to determine status of free or reduced driver’s education or instrument rental. There will be costs associated with instrument rental if your child enrolls in one of those classes. Fee waiver forms will be available at your children’s school building. The waiver form will need to be completed along with the household survey form for determination of free or reduced fess.
- There will continue to be fees for lost books, ID cards, yearbooks. parking, etc. that apply to various schools. These fees are not subject to the Fee Waiver.
Open Enrollment
Open enrollment applications are available every July 1 for parents, guardians or legal custodians residing in an Iowa District who wish to apply into another Iowa school district.
- Cedar Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau
City of Waterloo
City of Evansdale
City of Gilbertville
Dan Gable Wrestling Museum
Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center
Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber
Grout Museum
Phelps Youth Pavillion
Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum
Waterloo Convention and Visitors Bureau
- Cedar Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau
![]() Student Services 1516 Washington Street Waterloo, IA 50702 Phone: 319-433-1801 |