Schools around the district are incorporating activities to celebrate the achievements of black Americans and to recognize the central role of African Americans in U. S. history. Since 1976, every U. S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month.
Here are some of the activities going on around the District:
Irving Elementary-Daily announcements of a “Moment in Black History.” Mayor Hart will be the guest speaker at an all school assembly on February 22nd. The Say Yes 2 Poetry will also be performing.
Lincoln Elementary-Hosted a Black History program on Tuesday, February 7.
Lowell Elementary-Family Night on February 9th featured a soul food dinner. First graders are reading to learn about different African Americans and how they impacted the country as well as researching famous African Americans and writing biographies about them. Second graders are reading about African American activists and about what life was like when slavery and segregation were legal. Fifth graders are experiencing a unit on African-American Spirituals in music.
Bunger Middle-Daily Black History trivia with students.
Hoover Middle-Daily announcements about past and present history, hosting a school wide essay contest and a school wide assembly honoring local African Americans in our community.
West High-“Moments in Black History” biographies are being provided daily over the intercom. Teachers are infusing African American history in their lessons to create a culture of learning that can be extended throughout the school year.