Waterloo Community Schools sponsors a variety of student-,staff-, and parent-based activities that encompass ethnic groups ingenuous to our community. Below is a listing of the active Student Affinity groups in the Waterloo Community Schools.
High School Student Groups
GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) is a school club in which students can talk and learn about sexual orientation, gender identity, and some of the issues that surround them. Everyone is welcome– lesbian, gay, transgender, and questioning students, as well as straight students and students with LGBT families. In addition to creating a safe space for LGBT students to talk about their feelings, questions and issues they’re facing at home, at school, and in their everyday lives, our club has a social and philanthropic mission. The social aspect focuses mostly on creating a fun and safe place for students to meet other LGBT students and allies, make friends, and celebrate being LGBT & Ally people. Students also enjoy the philanthropic aspect of the club. Money is raised through bake sales held during parent-teacher conferences and then a portion of their earnings is donated to community agencies.
West High School
Lunch Bunch
This group of students meets during each lunch shift throughout the school year. It is designed for students that are not completely comfortable eating in the commons with a large group. The students meet in a designated classroom with adults and peers to discuss social anxieties, remedies and causes, and any other issues that they might be having.
West High School
Women of Tomorrow
This African-American group of girls is designed to empower and increase their self-image and self-efficacy. The group meets weekly and is involved in lessons, activities, projects, and lots of dialogue intended to give them proper communication skills as well as the opportunity to have their voices heard. The girls sponsor events for both the community and the school. Any female student, grades 9-12, may join by signing up or attending a meeting and having their name place on the roster. Membership closes after the third meeting of the school year.
East High School
African American Males Achieving Success (AAMAS)
AAMAS is a program designed to empower African American males to achieve the goal of high school graduation and to pursue further career goals. The program selects students that have encountered obstacles to reaching graduation and offers support by monitoring attendance/class participation, academic achievement and credit accumulation/graduation.
East High School