Cunningham STAR Expectations
At Dr. Walter Cunningham School For Excellence, we use a set of expectations in our building, on the playground, on the bus, and when our students represent our school in the community. The expectations are posted throughout our school. Students are taught the STAR PRIDE expectations during “STAR Academy” at the beginning of the year, after winter break and whenever necessary. This year we are transitioning from STAR expectations to PRIDE expectations as we are teaching our students what it means to show pride and excellence in all that you do.
STAR PRIDE expectations are:
A+ Attitude
Classroom Expectations
Safe- walk, use learning tools correctly, keep hands, feet and personal objects to self, keep chair legs on the floor.
Trustworthy-stay on task, do your job, follow classroom directions, return borrowed items.
A+Attitude- do your personal best, be responsible for your own actions, and use good manners and polite language.
Respect-treat others the way you want to be treated, ask permission before you borrow, respect the property of others, value the opinions and differences of others.
Playground Expectations
Safe- use the equipment appropriately, report problems to the adult that is outside, line up in ABC order as soon as the signal is given, keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Trustworthy-tell the truth to the adults, return the equipment that you used
A+Attitude-accept redirection positively, be responsible for your own actions.
Respect- treat others the way you want to be treated, follow the directions of the adults, take turns and share, use polite language.
Bathroom Expectations
Safe – Keep floors dry, report problems to an adult, walk, feet on the floor at all times.
Trustworthy-help keep the bathroom clean, do what you were sent to do and return to class, report problems to an adult.
A+Attitude- accept redirection positively, report problems to an adult.
Respect-give others their privacy, clean up after yourself, use polite and appropriate language.
Cafeteria Expectations
Safe- Walk, keep hands, feet and personal objects to yourself, stay in line
Trustworthy– Remember what you ordered, take only as much food as you will eat, follow the adults directions, eat your own food.
A+Attitude– sit where you are asked to sit, be kind to those around you, and smile!
Respect – use good manners and polite language, clean up after yourself, and listen to the adults.
Hallway Expectations
Safe- second square on the right hand side, walking, hands feet and personal objects to self, face forward.
Trustworthy-focus on your job, go straight to your destination by the quickest route, do your job even when no one is watching, and admire displays without touching.
A+Attitude-smile, accept redirection positively, greet one another appropriately.
Respect- move quietly, smile and wave when you see a friend, open and close lockers and doors quietly, use polite language.