630 HILLCREST ROAD WATERLOO, IA 50701 TEL: (319)433-2830 | FAX: (319) 433-2843
Nurse: Lindsay Ferden
Nurse Assistant: Nicole Burns
An arrangement has been made with the Black Hawk County Heath Department and the school district to provide the health services and staff for the public schools. Our nurse associate will be on duty every day 8:30 am – 1:30 pm. We also have services of a school nurse on a more irregular schedule. Hoover, the nurse’s office is always open for first aid, and the nurse is on call for emergencies. Our health assistant is responsible for all health records and reports. She administers to the sick and injured and is available to counsel students with personal health problems. She will also make arrangements with parents when it is necessary to send a student home for health reasons.
Except in emergencies, students wishing to see the nurse must first request permission and obtain a pass slip from their classroom teacher. Students are not to come to the nurse’s office between classes without a teacher’s pass slip.
A student who becomes ill or injured at school must notify his or her teacher or another employee as soon as possible. In case of a serious illness or injury, the school shall attempt to notify the parent / guardian according to the information on the emergency form. The student will be released to his or her parents or, with parental permission, to another person as directed by the parents when requested by his or her parent / guardian.
While the school district is not responsible for treating medical emergencies, employees may administer emergency or minor first aid if possible. The school will contact emergency medical personnel, if necessary, and attempt to notify the parents where the student has been transported for treatment.