302 Cedar Bend St.
Waterloo, IA 50703
Phone: (319)433-1990
Ryan Christoffer, Principal
PBIS at Lincoln

WHO: Lincoln students and staff
WHAT: Positive behavior, also known as PAWS!
P – Positive Attitude
A – Always Respectful
W – Work Hard
S – Stay Safe
WHERE: Everywhere in and around the school. Students learn and practice positive having positive behavior in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, playground, restroom, bus, and at an assembly.
WHEN: All day long, All year long!
WHY: Lincoln is a safe and positive learning environment. Students and staff follow PAWS…making Lincoln a great place to be!!
HOW: When students are seen showing PAWS in any way, they are given a PAWS ticket by a teacher, administrator, para-educator, custodian, bus driver, or any other member of the Lincoln staff. Students write their name on these tickets and save them for our monthly PAWS assemblies and weekly drawings.
WHAT HAPPENS AT A PAWS ASSEMBLY?: All PAWS tickets are collected and put into a large bin. Tickets are drawn and each winner gets a spin on the prize wheel. Prizes include extra recess for your entire class, movie and popcorn party for your class, and Lincoln Lounge (a special lunch for you and your classmates). The more times you show PAWS behavior, the more PAWS tickets you earn, and a lot of tickets means a lot of chances to win a prize for you and your class! Classroom teachers participate in the ‘Minute to Win It’ game that can win their entire grade level something special!