Principal: Carrie Heinzerling Lead Teacher: Latisha Leyh |
1707 Williston Ave. Waterloo, IA 50702 phone 319-433-1900 fax 319-433-1905 |
Read to Ride Program
Read to Ride is a weekly reading program every student at Lowell has the opportunity to participate in. K-1, 2-3, and 4-5 each have different weekly minute goals they have to reach. These go home in the Thursday folders and students return them every Friday. When they are returned with a parent signature and goal has been met the slips go into a box where they can be drawn randomly throughout the month for special prizes, popcorn days, and for 1 of 2 bikes at the end of the year. Please help your student meet their read to ride minute goals and fill out the sheet to submit!