Principal: Carrie Heinzerling Lead Teacher: Latisha Leyh |
1707 Williston Ave. Waterloo, IA 50702 phone 319-433-1900 fax 319-433-1905 |
Sharpen the Saw Field Trip
Several 4th and 5th Graders sharpened their saw at Prairie Lakes South with Mr. Guetzlaff and Mr. Bates.
May Newsletter 2018
Flu Guide 2018
Please click on the link for more information on keeping your child healthy and better understanding the flu during this season.
Lowell Staff 2017-2018
Read to Ride Program
Read to Ride is a weekly reading program every student at Lowell has the opportunity to participate in. K-1, 2-3, and 4-5 each have different weekly minute goals they have to reach. These go home in the Thursday folders and students return them every Friday. When they are returned with a parent signature and goal has been met the slips go into a box where they can be drawn randomly throughout the month for special prizes, popcorn days, and for 1 of 2 bikes at the end of the year. Please help your student meet their read to ride minute goals and fill out the sheet to submit!