5805 Kimball Avenue
Waterloo, Iowa 50701
Phone: (319) 433-2880
Ross Bauer- Principal
Adam Ahrendsen – Lead Teacher
Principal’s Big Rocks Message

Hello, Orange Families,
My name is Ross Bauer, and I am the new principal at Orange Elementary! I am proud and excited to be joining the Orange community in this role. This is my 18th year as an educator and my 15th year in Waterloo Schools. I started as a teacher and administrator at West High School, and I was the principal at Central Middle School for the past seven years. My wife Kristen and I are proud to call Waterloo our home! Our son is in 8th grade at Hoover, and we have 5th grade and 2nd grade daughters right here at Orange.
I am looking forward to getting to know your students and all of you this year. Students have the best experience when educators and families partner in students’ learning, and I am committed to fostering and growing this partnership for all students!
I will provide brief updates on our goals and our progress throughout the school year, but for now, I simply want to start by emphasizing the importance of attendance. We are asking you to make every effort to have your students in school as often as possible, understanding that illness, appointments, and other legitimate reasons to be out of school arise from time to time. We will do our part by providing an engaging and supportive learning environment in which your students can thrive!
Thank you for everything you do to support us at Orange! Go Tigers!
Ross Bauer