Engaged in Learning, Striving for Excellence, Prepared for Success
Poyner Elementary students have the opportunity to apply for leadership roles around our school. Below is a list of the roles that we offer. If you have an idea for a new role, email your child’s teacher!
Ambassador |
Art Leader |
Assistant Stage Manager |
Birthday Brigade |
Building and Grounds Crew |
Cafeteria Leader |
Calendar Changer |
Cheerleader |
Cones |
Connect Ed Caller |
Fundraiser Organizer |
Inspirational Leader |
Joke Writer |
LIM Expectation Teachers |
LIM Writer |
Literacy Leaders |
Media |
Morning Attendance Tracker |
Music Leader |
Name Tag Fixer |
Office Runner |
Poyner Publisher |
Principal Assistant |
Public Speaker Leader |
Recess Leader |
Recycling |
Service Leader |
Sign Flipper |
Student Lighthouse Team |
Supply Stocker |
Teal Ticket Station Filler |
Videographer |
Walking Club Leaders |
Welcome Wagon |
Please contact Mrs. Willand with questions or comments about this web page.