425 East Ridgeway Avenue, Waterloo, Iowa 50702
Phone: (319) 433-2700, Fax: (319) 433-2749
To find other numbers Click Here
Principal: Andy Miehe: [email protected]
Webmaster: [email protected]
All About The Wahawks
Waterloo West High School Logo
The logo representing the school is a block “W“, with a feather trailing from the bottom left of the “W“.
Waterloo West High School Mascot
The Waterloo West High WAHAWK name is derived from Waterloo (WA), and Black Hawk County (HAWK). The school mascot initially was a student dressed in Indian attire, and who attended pep rallies, sporting events, and general school assemblies.
More recently, the school has adopted “WESTY” – a hawk-like character, who also is represented by a student attending West High.
Wahawk Fight Song
The Wahawk Fight song is played to the “On Wisconsin” fight song. The lyrics are as follows:
For Football:
On, dear West High!
On, dear West High!
Fight on for your fame.
Take the ball right down the field
For a victory sure this game.
On, dear West High!
On, dear West High!
Fight on for your fame.
Fight, Wahawks
Fight, Fight, Fight
We’ll win this game.
(Substitute the following For Basketball)
Take the ball right down the floor
For victory sure this game.
(Substitute the following For Wrestling)
Pin that man right to the mat
For six points sure this meet.
We’ll win this meet!
Waterloo West High School ALMA MATER
Where the rolling plains of Iowa
Meet the Cedar’s stream
Stands our dear old Alma Mater
High in our esteem.
“Duty, Honor, Service” always
May they never die
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater
Hail, all hail, West High
Comrades, classmates, friends we rally!
“Loyalty” we cry?
Pledge our hearts and hands to honor
Our beloved West High
Chorus: Repeated
From our hall still echo footsteps
Of alumni true:
Holding high our honored banner
They, our faith renewed
Chorus: Repeated
(Last updated Mar. 2025)