425 East Ridgeway Avenue, Waterloo, Iowa 50702
Phone: (319) 433-2700, Fax: (319) 433-2749
To find other numbers Click Here
Principal: Andy Miehe: [email protected]
Webmaster: [email protected]
Credit Recovery
After Hours will begin on Monday, September 9th.
It will continue every Monday through Thursday in room 229 from 3:00-5:00. Students must stay the entire time if they wish to ride the activity bus. Students must also exit through door #4.
After Hours is open to all students currently enrolled in an online course. If you have questions about taking an online course, you must first see your counselor.
Mondays – Room 229
Tuesdays – Room 229
Wednesdays – Room 229
Thursdays – Room 229
(Last updated Dec. 2024)