425 East Ridgeway Avenue, Waterloo, Iowa 50702
Phone: (319) 433-2700, Fax: (319) 433-2749
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Principal: Andy Miehe: [email protected]
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Gastarbajter Magazine Accepting Submissions
Gastarbajter Magazine is now accepting submissions for their second Volume!
Gastarbajter has just opened submissions for its second issue (which will be published in the spring)! Like last time, we’re accepting any written work (fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre stuff) created by self-identified Slavic people. The writing can directly be about identity and what it’s like occupying a liminal cultural space, or it can be about anything else with the author’s identity informing the work (for instance, we accepted a woman’s love poem that was in Russian and English). We’re also looking for photography (modern and old), historical imagery (passports, handwritten letters, ticket stubs, etc that the submitter would scan and e-mail), and any kind of illustrations (pencil drawings, paintings, digital artwork, etc).
Listed below are links to the online version of the magazine and our social media sites that provide more information!