425 East Ridgeway Avenue, Waterloo, Iowa 50702
Phone: (319) 433-2700, Fax: (319) 433-2749
To find other numbers Click Here
Principal: Andy Miehe: [email protected]
Webmaster: [email protected]
Main Content
Wahawk Insider
West has a student-run online newspaper called the Wahawk Insider. The students in our Online Publications class have been hard at work to bring the website to life and craft stories for the Wahawk Community to enjoy, including news, sports, photos, and so much more! You can find the newspaper at this link.
Join International Baccalaureate
Click here for more information on the IB program!
WCC Programs
Click Here to see the WCC Programs offered!
Success Street
Click here to learn more about Success Street!
Attendance Contact
You are able to report student absences via email. Just use the address [email protected] and you can send an email that will go directly to our attendance office regarding your student’s absence. We are hopeful that this added layer of convenience will help families as they navigate their work day and will allow you to more easily communicate with us regarding your student’s attendance.
Online Registration
Attention all Wahawk families: we need your e-mail address! We will be moving to Online Registration in the near future and do not want you to miss out on any important information. In order to prepare for this, we need to have an up-to-date e-mail on file. Please Click Here to update us with your e-mail address. Thank you!
MET Transit
You can ride the City Bus FOR FREE when you show your current school ID. Please call the Met Transit phone number (319-234-5713, option 4) or CLICK HERE to check the website to verify your route information to and from school.
Scholarships Info
Click Here to see available scholarships.
ACT Test Dates
A list of important ACT testing dates can be found here.
Meal Menus
Click Here to see the current food menus for breakfast and lunch.