The Waterloo Community Schools has high school transcripts available for students who graduated or students who are no longer attending any of our public schools.
We offer a 24-48 hours processing time for requests that are available on-site. Please note Student Services does not have immediate access to some transcripts so the processing time could be longer. The fee for this service is $10.
All requests for transcripts must be paid for before the request can be fulfilled. No phone requests will be honored without prior payment.
Businesses requesting transcripts or graduation verification must submit all request in writing through Mail or Fax. Request must have consent signature from the student.
Records older than 1998 can be faxed and/or emailed, however, at your discretion, as it may be hard to read due to microfilm.
Due to FERPA Laws if a current student and/or former student is 18 years of age or older we cannot release any information without a signed authorization of release.
Please bring or send the payment to the Education Service Center, 1516 Washington St., Waterloo, IA 50702. Student Services is located on the second floor. Payments acceptable at this time are cash, checks and/or money orders. All checks or money orders should be made out to Waterloo Community School District. Please bring your ID.
Contact us
Waterloo Community School District Student and At Risk Services Secretary:
Admira Saric