Scroll below for more information and important dates for Elementary and Middle/High School Virtual Learning.
Elementary Virtual Learning Update
Important Dates/Times:
- Chromebook pick-up/orientation
- Location: East High School former auto shop (new Virtual Learning Center)
- NOTE: This does not mean all virtual students are a student at East… it’s simply where our teachers’ offices will be housed.
- Dates/Times: families will receive touchscreen Chromebooks, workbooks, and learn how to navigate the learning systems.
- 8/18/21 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
- 8/19/21 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
- Location: East High School former auto shop (new Virtual Learning Center)
- Rolling start dates:
- Kindergarten and 1st start date 8/23/21.
- 2nd and 3rd start date 8/24/21.
- 4th and 5th start date 8/25/21.
- School hours
- Monday through Friday
- 8:45 am – 3:45 pm
- Annual Updates and Registration
- WCSD website between July 12 – August 6.
Other Important information/updates
- All virtual students will be rostered to Kingsley on Infinite Campus.
- If a family decides to return to in-person learning, students would attend their home school based on district boundaries.
- Attendance will be taken daily at 8:45 am.
- To be marked present students must join the Google Meet on time and turn their camera on.
Middle/High School Virtual Learning Update
Edgenuity Website:
Log in:
Username: school email address (first name, last initial, number
Password: Waterloo email password student set-up
Contact Information
Cary Wieland (Virtual Administrator) [email protected]
Emily Borcherding (Math Teacher) [email protected]
Charnell Breitbach (Literacy Teacher) [email protected]
Stewart Rickert (Social Science Teacher) [email protected]
Cindy Trettin (Science Teacher) [email protected]
Teri Davis (Instructional Strat Teacher) [email protected]
Edward Fischer (Instructional Strat Teacher) [email protected]
Ali Rahnavardi (Instructional Strat Teacher) [email protected]
Theresa Steiber-Moncada (Support Staff) [email protected]
Direct Line: 319-433-1930 (ask for staff member or program by name)OR send a message or chat through Edgenuity.
Note: teachers will contact students to let students know who will be working with them throughout their proctoring sessions. Each teacher has a list of students that they will be responsible for each day and students can reach out to them to coordinate for support services. Students requiring content support can attend “General Sessions” (teachers will create a link and send through Edgenuity that students can access as needed) and/or receive “One to One” (students will need to coordinate w/teacher for this type of support and a custom link will be sent directly to the student) specialized supports.
All students enrolled in the Virtual Academy Program will be provided a Waterloo Community School District technology device (Touchscreen Chromebook). Families can gain access to these devices August 17th – 19th between the hours of 8 am to 3:30 pm.
Rolling Start Dates
August 23rd – 6th and 9th Graders first school day
August 24th – 7th and 10th Graders first school day
August 25th – 8th, 11th, and 12th Graders first school day
Waterloo School Calendar:
Student needs the MINIMUM of 5 hours per school day, which is 25 hours for a regular school week. The hours run Sunday-Saturday so you may need to calculate hours if you work weekends. Think of it this way, you work during the school week, and you will not need to make up any time on the weekends. Any idle time by itself is not counted towards hours; you need to be actively working in classes. Progress is also required each week in each class. Students should make about 4% progress each week in each class to stay on target.
Prescriptive tests, Unit tests, and Cumulative exams NEED to be taken with teacher proctoring (High School Students Only). Please coordinate with staff for a set time to have these proctored through a Google Meet session.
Parent Portal
Once staff set up parents’ emails in Edgenuity, they will receive a progress report every Monday from Edgenuity to check their child’s progress. Once enrolled into the virtual academy, staff will set up the parent portal and email the parents their code to get into their account to check their student’s progress. You will get an email notification stating you have been given access to your child’s account. Click the link in the email to begin the registration process. Use the code staff provide you. DO NOT fill out the email and password boxes, just click ACTIVATE ACCOUNT. Then you can enter the email address and activation code and continue. Follow the steps for your account. Once activated, you can log in using the email address and new password. The site is:
High School is based more on credit acquisition. Students need to attain 3 credits per quarter. To achieve this, students must complete the equivalent of 1 credit every 3 weeks – (100% total progress in 3 weeks – could be 50% in 2 classes, 60/40, etc.) If the student falls short of this target, there will be a parent meeting with staff will happen. After parent meeting, the student will have 2 weeks to meet their 100% or 1 credit. If they have not met their goal after their 2-week period, a further course of action will need to be taken at that time (Larger meeting with administration to develop the next course of action plan).
Steps for Learning
- Student learns through Edgenuity. If student is confused, they go back through the instruction/lesson to review and take notes.
- If student has any questions or is not understanding still after review, they go to the parent/guardian. Parent/Guardian can help and guide, but will not do the work for the student.
- If further assistance is needed, student request the teacher for help and guidance.
Student needs to get 60% or higher on everything, including vocabulary, instruction, practices, assignments, quizzes, and tests. Students must get 70% or higher on pretests to skip the lesson and move on to the next pretest. However, if they get to the unit/topic test, and the student is struggling, then they will need to go back through the lesson and take better notes before attempting the test again. NOTES are mandatory for all students, especially if they do not pass the test/quiz on the second attempt. ALL HIGH SCHOOL TESTS AND EXAMS NEED TO BE TAKEN WITH TEACHER SUPERVISION!
Each student will begin each course with a prescriptive test, which has to be taken with teacher supervision. Once it is completed, student can work freely until they need to take a test, which will again be taken in a Google Meet session with teacher supervision. Students can be on free roam which allows them to complete everything in the class except for the tests. Students can continue to work on courses throughout the year and when they finish one, they can be provided another to progress learning. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 11 credits/courses (6-8 students: keep on track progress as outlined by the progress updates within Edgenuity) each year in order to stay on track. If students are behind, they can work hard to complete more to attempt to get back on track.
If something is locked or the student is unable to progress within the course, they must message, call, or email the teacher right away during school hours. Staff will get to it as soon as they can. If it is after school hours, they will get to it the next day. If it is during the weekend, they will get to it Monday. Staff will respond to parent or student within 24 hours.
Staff would like to remind everyone that the students should NOT be using Google or any other website to help them on the quizzes. Students can use the resources at the end of this packet. They are already allowed to use notes, but the using of websites is not allowed. The students can ask parents/guardians or the teacher any questions.
Students are able to take the quiz or test two times on their own with their own notes. If student does not pass, then staff will help and see where the issue or struggle may be and work with the student (email, phone, Goggle Meet, etc.) and then quiz or test for the student can be reset for retake. If failure to pass continues, then staff will need to set up a meeting with the student to work 1-on-1 specifically with the struggling student on that concept.
Ways to meet with the teacher:
-Email – back and forth through email (Teacher might be able to provide other resources)
-Call – might be able to work out through a phone call (433-1930)
-Google Meet Session – can arrange a one to one meeting to discuss and work through course content
Google Meet
In order to set up a Goggle Meet session to meet virtually with a teacher, student will first need to set up a meeting time. Then the teacher will send them the link to Google Meet through Edgenuity or in their school email. It is fairly simple and the directions are in the email/message on Edgenuity. Make sure the microphone and webcam are working and that student clicks on the desktop for staff to see so that they can see everything the student sees. If staff cannot see the student, they will need to reschedule the Goggle Meet session.
Edgenuity Information
When new students first log in, there will be an orientation video that will tell them how to use the system and where everything is within the system. It is about 8 minutes long and mandatory to watch all the way through the first time. There is a new version of Edgenuity that students log into. Then if they go to their name in the upper right-hand corner and click on the down arrow, click on Student Legacy Experience, it will take them to the old version. From there, they can find the “Organizer” tab.
Organizer Tab: in the orange organizer tab, you will find a Resources tab, Communication tab, and Reports tab.
Resources: is where you will find the technology problem-solving issues. Check Plugins, Orientation and How-to videos and information, and a calculator.
Communication: emails (This is where you can send and receive my messages through Edgenuity.)
Reports: Scores & Feedback, Progress Reports, Assignment Calendar, eNotes to print, and Attendance Log (Very Important)
Scores and Feedback is where you can see my comments on their work and their percentages on their work.
Progress Report is similar to what you get as an email each week. But you can see their percentages in each class. Taking a look at this, you can see their
Complete Percentage – what they have completed so far.
Actual Grade – is what you want to look at and that will be their report card grade.
Target Completion – percentage of where they should be in their course.
Assignment Calendar is where the student needs to go to see what they need to do each day for assignments in each class. If the student gets behind, the program just adjusts the assignments so that they can still be done by their target date.
eNOTES is where you can find their online notes and print them in you want.
Attendance Log is where you can find student working hours. You can search any day or week you want to see what class they worked on and how long. If you see Idle time, it is time they spend not actively working on the system. If it is just a few minutes after they click on a class, then they are reading or taking notes. If they log in and it just shows their idle time, then they are not doing or clicking in to any courses. Students need to be actively working while logged in.
Within each Course there is an Orange Plus Sign: There is an orange plus sign on the right hand side. In it are eNotes, glossary, and transcripts. The eNotes are for the student to take notes online. Glossary is where you can find vocabulary words. Transcripts is where you will find the words said by the online instructor. It is in paragraph form.
Counseling Supports
If you need to meet with the counselor, you will go to the Expo website and click on your counselor’s name to set up the time and date. Each student is expected to meet with their counselor once per semester. Here is the website:
Shannon Prehm (A-G) [email protected]
Melissa Knight (H-O) [email protected]
Brad Hamlyn (P-Z) [email protected]
Positive Behavior & Intervention Supports (PBIS) & Leader in Me (LIM)
As a virtual student your child will have opportunities to benefit and participate in these programs (albeit differently than students attending face-to-face). Your student will have the opportunity to earn SOARs Slips for demonstrating Self-Control, Ownership, Achieve Goals, Respect & Responsibility even while working virtually. Students have the opportunity to exchange SOARs Slips for various items within our virtual PBIS Store.
Four Mandatory Student Surveys (Needs to be completed 1st day of schooling)
Code of Conduct Expectation Survey: “all” Waterloo Students are required to fill out this form each and every school year as active members (physical or virtual) to our schools.
Learning Style Inventory: informs students, staff, and families how the student learns best
Interest Survey: informs students, staff, and families what motivates and engages the student
Forced Choice Survey: intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcements tell students, staff, and families what the student is willing to work for
Individual Education Plans
A roster teacher will be assigned to your student with an Individual Education Plan (IEP). The Instructional strategist teacher will be working to ensure that your student with an IEP needs and supports are accommodated in alignment with the decisions made by the IEP team.
Quick Find Strategy
Sometimes students need to look for a key word or phrase within their notes or the transcripts, students can use the quick find strategy. The student uses the ctrl + f, it is a quick find that allows student to find a key word within notes or the transcripts. This is very beneficial when students write a lot of notes!
Additional Resource Links
Khan Academy
Cool Math
History Channel
Math Support
Conversion Charts
Leader in Me Site set up your account:
- Go to
- Enter this Registration code in the box provided: EALC0
- Fill out the form and click Sign Up
- You will be granted access to the Leader in Me Online